Saturday, March 25, 2006

March pictures

It was glorious today, and we got a heck of a lot done on the garden shed. Here's what we had to look at while we worked:

Comfrey does quite well for us, which I guess is fitting for the women's center! We have two, both full and happy to spread.

This last cold snap perked up the collards, so we'll put off pulling them for another week or so. It's always such a sad little task.

We're not supposed to be able to grow garden sage here. Ha!

Even though we were late getting our winter veggies in the ground, these little beets (front) and kale (back) are doing great. The lemon marigolds to the right have gotten big and pushy--they take up nearly five square feet now!

I had never been a salad kind of girl, but then last year, when I got a handful of crisp, tasty, tender lettuces every time I went to the garden, I was sold. And growing them couldn't be easier.

Our ladies of the garden! Last year, our first bloomer was one of these irises, and this year, even though we transplanted them in late January, we got a few purple lovelies.