Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Quiet spring

Oy. I promise we've been IN the garden all this time. We've just not been POSTING about it. In fact, spring is sneaking quietly into the garden.

On Friday the 17th, WeMoon Spirit's 3rd birthday, I went to the garden at sunrise to just be there. It wasn't much to give, no party or planting or plans. I simply woke up early, snuck out before the baby or husband woke, and walked around the property while the sun peeked over the edge of the earth. The blue-gray light played beautifully on the few plants that we had managed to grow over the winter, especially the leeks, rue, comfrey, catmint, wormwood, and agave whose already silvery foliage nearly glowed with the yet-coming day. Even though it was less of a celebration than an observation, I felt like it was a commitment. It was a promise that I would be there.

And today I did some planting. About half of the seeds that I started at home came up. I planted a row of cataloupe, cucumbers, a few sunflowers, and three nasturtium. Then baby boy gave up on me. Then we came home.

This Saturday we're working on the garden shed for two hours, and I'm going to try and get there early to be able to do a little planting beforehand. It's about that time; any later and we'll be racing the bugs for the fruit come August.