Thursday, November 10, 2005

Out-of-sorts November

Change in the garden has been slow. At least the kind of change that the people initiate has been slow. I'm sure the plants are changing at exactly the right speed, thank you very much. We've had unseasonably warm weather this past month, and have been having trouble being a consistent presence in the garden, so November began a little out of sorts. But we have nine little collards who are doing just dandy, a new border of transplanted irises that seem to like their new home, and several herbs that have put out new growth since being planted last month. There are only ever one or two butterflies around in the garden now, and most all of the flowers are either gone or on the tail end of living. And despite the warm weather, the dwindling light has caused lots of leaves to begin falling, so if you're sitting in the garden quietly and a high breeze blows a bit, you'll see them flutter down all around the property.