Saturday, February 05, 2005

Spring Seeds

The seeds came in! In what must have been a fit of gloominess on some lonely, dark day a couple of weeks ago, I ordered (too many) seeds for the Spirit Gardens. They are all spring flowers (not a respectable vegetable among them) and they are all Very Bright. I was obviously trying to cheer myself up when I placed the order; I don't really remember what I was thinking, but whatever it was, I'm glad, because if these guys come up HALF as boisterous as they look in the pictures, we will have nary a frown among us come June. Or maybe May. I didn't exactly plan for staggered blooming, so we'll just have to see what comes up when it comes up. I ordered them from, which has the most wonderful ideas about saving the diversity of the earth's flora, and therby saving the future of humankind.

In addition to the sunny flowers, I have several seeds that I got from a seed saving workshop last year at New Leaf Market. The farmer who gave the workshop was named Tommy Simms, and his farm is called Bellevue Gardens. He shared a variety of cucumber called "Alabama Rambler," his famous "Scarlet Sweet" watermelon, okra, tangerines (that grow north of Gainesville), cataloupe, a special kind of butternut-like squash, and several kinds of sunflowers from his patch. (I'll put his information on the webpage -- you will want to get some seeds from him for sure.)

So that should give us quiet a good little start. Our last frost is usually around March 15, so we're planning our before- and after-plantings now. If you find yourself with an extra seedling or two come March, bring it by on some Saturday morning -- we'll find a place for it!