Friday, February 18, 2005


I stopped by the garden yesterday after two weeks away, and I was so pleased to find that one of the calendulas had bloomed! I had never planted calendula, and just following the directions on the back of the seed packet, plunked a few seeds in the ground in November. They weren't a bit bothered by the frosts, and steadily grew taller and bushier until finally, some time in the last 11 or 12 days, one showed its pretty yellow face. I read an article online about how to save their seeds: You wait until the flower is wilted and a little dry, then you pluck it and gently shake it out and separate the seed from the chaff. That's good to know since I promptly lost the seed packet after planting just those five.

Two more irises bloomed. They are the same ghostly white-lavender as the first one. The collards, beets, and swiss chard are thriving, as are the garlic chives and society garlic. Paty and Bonnie came by last weekend and planted two rows of onions. I think we're going to do the Turkey Hill tomatoes just behind them (onions and tomatoes are good companion plants).

And, perhaps a little late, I'm going to start a garden journal for the Spirit Gardens. It will probably be just notes and facts -- dates things were planted, how they look, sketches of the beds, etc. I feel like that information would be out of place here in the blog, but is important to keep track of for subsequent years. The book can be kept at WeMoon as a reference.

We're planning on putting out a few of the more hearty plants this Saturday -- sages, a mock organe tree, hydrangea, and others.