Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Hard Rain Fell

Well all that glorious rain did fairly little damage to the gardens. We have lost all the lettuce tops, though. They toppled over onto the tomato plants, so we had to cut them way down. A few calendula plants tipped over, too, but since they aren’t really bothering anyone, we’ll just see if they can keep blooming anyway. And it looks like a few marigold sprouts got beat back into the ground. But there are plenty more to take their places.

Today we top-dressed the tomatoes -- a big heap of compost to fill the little saucers they had been planted in. Last week’s potted up Silvery Fur Tree tomatoes looked especially good. I’m worried that one of the Brown Berries and one of the German Striped are not getting enough sun; it was about noon before they really saw any, and the trees are only going to get fuller and more shading. But maybe that will be a good variable to keep an eye on during the trials.

One of the pea vines had grown quite yellow, and the pods were swollen with brown spots on them. I don’t know what got at him, but I pulled him up. He was our first casualty to disease.

Thanks to Lori, who came by and weeded, planted a bunch of Tahiti Hot Pepper seeds and 12 plugs of mixed basil seeds. She knows a friend of a friend who is giving away acclimated Tallahassee roses (apparently this guy just has more than he can find room for), so drop me an email if you’d be interested. We’re thinking of taking as many as he’ll give and putting them up at WeMoon for anyone who wants.