Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Saturday of Getting Much Done

Saturday was bright, and crisp as an apple. Probably in the sixties when we arrived, warmed up to maybe low seventies by the time we wandered away at 2 or so. It seemed every time you turned around, something was finished up and something else was in the middle of getting done. We had more pairs of hands than gloves and tools, and what a difference it made.

Our work from weeks ago paid off in spades. The soil was so loose and loamy (having already been turned and mixed with compost) that to define the beds with bottles, all we had to do was pick a place and push down. The beds look like they are surrounded by jewels -- emeralds, peridots, clear crystal, garnet, onyx, amber, and citron -- hopefully defining the beds and plants as precious and not to be tread upon!

Here are a few pictures to give you an idea: